Quat 1.2 - A 3D-Fractal-Generator
(Generation of quaternionic fractals)
Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Dirk Meyer
This software is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
email: dirk.meyer@studserv.uni-stuttgart.de
Website: http://www.physcip.uni-stuttgart.de/phy11733/index_e.html
1. Introduction
1.1 What's new?
1.2 System requirements
1.3 Bugs and adresses, Mailing list
2. General instructions
2.1 Mathematical basis of fractal
2.2 Coordinate systems and definition
of the view plane
2.3 ZBuffers
3. Operation
3.1 Using the user interface version
(Windows, Linux/X Window System)
Editor, View Editor, Color
Editor and Intersection Editor
3.2 Using the text only version
4. Structure of the initialization file(s)
4.1 Key words for definition of fractal
object and view
4.2 Key words for definition of colours
4.3 Key words for definition of intersection
4.4 Other key words
5. Appendix
5.1 Exploring a 3D-fractal
5.2 Examples for the effect of some
5.3 Cross eyed view (for true 3D
perception of an object)
5.4 The initialization file(s)