Manual page for lines_prefab(PL)


lines prefab

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   pl -prefab lines  data=data17  x=1 y=2  pointsym=none

   The data17 file:
	331 75
	331.624 83.5518
	332.105 88.7758


   pl  -prefab lines data=data10 delim=tab  x=1  y=2  y2=4  step=yes \
     yrange=0 name="Group A" name2="Group B" xlbl=Months


   pl  -prefab lines  data=data10 delim=tab  x=1  y=2 err=3  y2=4 err2=5  \
       y3=6 err3=7  y4=8 err4=9   yrange=0  xlbl=Months \
       name="Group A" name2="Group B" name3="Group C" name4="Group D" 

   The data10 file:
       0	100	2	100	4	100	3	100	4
       1.5	92	4	94	7	87	6	86	5
       3	89	4	92	8	78	6	74	4
       6	86	5	91	8	65	8	61	6


   pl -prefab lines  data=data20  x=1  y=2 

   The data20 file:
      1031 20.96 6.4
      1032 19.71 5.8
      1033 19.98 5.9
      ... etc.


  pl -prefab lines  data=data20  x=1  y=2  fill=redorange pointsym=none  \
	y2=2 pointsym2=none  
In this example the same data field was given twice, first to do the filled area, and again to do the blue line.


   pl -prefab lines  data=data20  x=1  y=2  gapmissing=yes 


   pl -prefab lines  data=data20  x=1  y=2  fill=tan1  pointsym=none  \
	y2=2 pointsym2=none  y3=3  pointsym3=none  linedet3=color=black \
	yrange="0 25"  name="background" name3="interior" 

How to run these examples


lines is a prefab for producing line plots with optional point symbols and error bars, for up to four groups. For the first group data points are in data fields given in x and y, and optional error bar value given in err. By default x is assumed to be continuous numeric, but it can be categories if cats is specified (for chronological X data, use the chron prefab ). To display a second curve, use y2, err2, etc. Same for third and fourth curves. This prefab is based on proc lineplot .


Standard prefab parameters are all supported. data, x and y are required.

name is a short description for the first curve, for inclusion in a legend. If your data contains a field name header and header=yes is specified, name defaults to the y field name (new in 2.04).

linedet controls line appearance details for the first curve.

pointsym controls the data points on the first curve. symbol . It may be given as none for no point symbol.

fill may be specified as a color and causes the area under the curve to be filled.

y2, err2, name2, linedet2, pointsym2, and fill2 may be specified for a second curve. x will be used for the X component of the curve.

y3, err3, name3, linedet3, pointsym3, and fill3 may be specified for a third curve. x will be used for the X component of the curve.

y4, err4, name4, linedet4, pointsym4, and fill4 may be specified for a fourth curve. x will be used for the X component of the curve.

step may be specified as yes to get stairstep curves. This turns off point symbols. Applies to all curves.

gapmissing may be specified as yes or small. If yes, missing data will cause a gap in the line (normally the line connects plottable points without a gap). small is the same as yes except that it leaves a small overhang. Applies to all curves.

cats may be specified as yes to signify that X values are categories rather than numeric.

errcolor is the error bar color (default = black)

errwidth is the width of error bar tails (default = 0.08)

errthick is the thickness of the error bar lines (default = 0.5)

legend controls the location of the legend. Example: "legend=1 0.5" Default is min+0.4 max.

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.