Manual page for Standard_prefab_parameters(PL)


Standard prefab parameters

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The following parameters are accepted by all prefabs unless otherwise stated. The data parameter is always required.


Name of data file. Always required. May be given as - if data are to be read from standard input.


Data field to plot in X. Either a number (eg 2 for the 2nd field) or a name if data file contains a field name header and header=yes is specified.


Data field to plot in Y. Either a number (eg 2 for the 2nd field) or a name if data file contains a field name header and header=yes is specified.


Data field for plotting vertical error bar around ( x, y ). If not specified no error bars will be drawn. Either a number (eg 2 for the 2nd field) or a name if a data file contains a header.


A plot title to be centered at the top, for example: title="My first plot"
The parameter titledet is also available for controlling details of title placement and appearance.


Four numbers (x1 y1 x2 y2) specifying a plot area rectangle in inches from lower-left. x1 and y1 are the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the rectangle, and x2 and y2 are the coordinates of the upper-right corner.
Example: rectangle="1 1 3 1.8"


Label for X axis, for example: xlbl="Date of receipt"
The parameter xlbldet is also available for controlling details of X label placement and appearance. For example, to adjust the label downward 8/10 inch: -xlbldet=adjust=0,-0.8.


Range for numeric X axis. This is two values, a min and a max. Example: "xrange=0 100" . xrange causes automatic scaling in X to be disabled.


Increment amount for numeric X axis. Normally this is one value. It is also possible to supply two values, in which case the second will be taken as the units. For example: "yinc=100 1000" will put a stub every 100,000, and the stubs will be in thousands (see proc axis stubs documentation for more info.)


Logarithmic X axis. Allowable values are log and log+1.


If yes, vertical grid lines will be drawn at each X stub. May also be specified as a linedetails attribute.


Label for Y axis, for example: ylbl="Temperature [C]"
The parameter ylbldet is also available for controlling details of Y label placement and appearance. For example, to adjust the label leftward 8/10 inch: -ylbldet=adjust=-0.8,0.


Range for numeric Y axis. This is two values, a min and a max, for example: "yrange=0 100" For prefabs where it is appropriate, yrange may also be given as yrange=0 which fixes the min at 0 but allows the max to be automatically determined from the data. When two values are given, yrange causes all automatic scaling in Y to be disabled.


Increment amount for numeric Y axis. Normally this is one value. It is also possible to supply two values, in which case the second will be taken as the units. For example: "yinc=100 1000" will put a stub every 100,000, and the stubs will be in thousands (see proc axis stubs documentation for more info.)


Logarithmic Y axis. Allowable values are log and log+1.


If yes, horizontal grid lines will be drawn at each Y stub. May also be specified as a linedetails attribute.


If yes, width of plotting area will be automatically determined by the data.


If yes, X axis stubs will be rendered vertically.


Data file field delimitation method, either space, comma, or tab. space is the default, and indicates that fields will be delimited on "white space". See data formats for more information.


yes if first non-comment line of data file contains field names. These names may be used to reference the data fields. Default is no.


Indicates data file comment character or symbol. Default is //.


A conditional expression for selecting data records to include. One at-sign should be used, not two. Example: select="@1 = A"


A template for generating URLs when an HTML clickmap is being generated. The -map command line option must be used in order to turn on clickmap generation. Bars (including those done using vbars , chron and dist ), scatterplot points ( scat ), and pie slice labels may be mapped. See the clickmap page for more information. (Note: with the dist prefab , the label is in data field 1 and the count in field 2.)


Specifies a file containing ploticus script code. The code is included after the plotting area has been set up but before the data display is drawn. May be useful in adding baselines, etc.


Specifies a file containing ploticus script code. The code is included after the data display is drawn. May be useful for adding annotation.

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.