nd_proto_plugin_init ()
void nd_proto_plugin_init (void); |
The function scans the plugin directories, reads in the
plugins it finds and hooks them into the main window
and the plugin registry.
nd_proto_plugin_get_description ()
const char* nd_proto_plugin_get_description (ND_ProtoPlugin *pp); |
The function returns a pointer to statically allocated memory
containing a string describing the plugin.
nd_proto_plugin_get_author ()
const char* nd_proto_plugin_get_author (ND_ProtoPlugin *pp); |
The function returns a pointer to statically allocated memory
containing a string with the author's name.
nd_proto_plugin_show_about ()
void nd_proto_plugin_show_about (ND_ProtoPlugin *pp); |
The function shows the About dialog for pp, containing
version and author info, a description etc.