
GimpUnitMenu — Widget for selecting a GimpUnit.


struct      GimpUnitMenu;
GtkWidget*  gimp_unit_menu_new              (const gchar *format,
                                             GimpUnit unit,
                                             gboolean show_pixels,
                                             gboolean show_percent,
                                             gboolean show_custom);
void        gimp_unit_menu_set_unit         (GimpUnitMenu *menu,
                                             GimpUnit unit);
GimpUnit    gimp_unit_menu_get_unit         (GimpUnitMenu *menu);
gint        gimp_unit_menu_get_pixel_digits (GimpUnitMenu *menu);
void        gimp_unit_menu_set_pixel_digits (GimpUnitMenu *menu,
                                             gint digits);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GimpUnitMenu implements AtkImplementorIface.

Signal Prototypes

            void        user_function      (GimpUnitMenu *,
                                            gpointer user_data);


This widget provides a GtkOptionMenu which contains a list of GimpUnit's.

You can specify the string that will be displayed for each unit by passing a printf-like format string to gimp_unit_menu_new().

The constructor also lets you choose if the menu should contain items for GIMP_UNIT_PIXEL, GIMP_UNIT_PERCENT and a "More..." item which will pop up a dialog for selecting user-defined units.

Whenever the user selects a unit from the menu or the dialog, the "unit_changed" signal will be emitted.


struct GimpUnitMenu

struct GimpUnitMenu;

gimp_unit_menu_new ()

GtkWidget*  gimp_unit_menu_new              (const gchar *format,
                                             GimpUnit unit,
                                             gboolean show_pixels,
                                             gboolean show_percent,
                                             gboolean show_custom);

Creates a new GimpUnitMenu widget.

The format string supports the following percent expansions:

% fFactor (how many units make up an inch)
% ySymbol (e.g. "''" for GIMP_UNIT_INCH)
% aAbbreviation
% sSingular
% pPlural
%%Literal percent

format : A printf-like format string which is used to create the unit strings.
unit : The initially selected unit.
show_pixels : TRUE if the unit menu should contain an item for GIMP_UNIT_PIXEL.
show_percent : TRUE in the unit menu should contain an item for GIMP_UNIT_PERCENT.
show_custom : TRUE if the unit menu should contain a "More..." item for opening the user-defined-unit selection dialog.
Returns : A pointer to the new GimpUnitMenu widget.

gimp_unit_menu_set_unit ()

void        gimp_unit_menu_set_unit         (GimpUnitMenu *menu,
                                             GimpUnit unit);

Sets a new GimpUnit for the specified GimpUnitMenu.

menu : The unit menu you want to set the unit for.
unit : The new unit.

gimp_unit_menu_get_unit ()

GimpUnit    gimp_unit_menu_get_unit         (GimpUnitMenu *menu);

Returns the GimpUnit the user has selected from the GimpUnitMenu.

menu : The unit menu you want to know the unit of.
Returns : The unit the user has selected.

gimp_unit_menu_get_pixel_digits ()

gint        gimp_unit_menu_get_pixel_digits (GimpUnitMenu *menu);

Retrieve the number of digits for a pixel size as set by gimp_unit_set_pixel_digits().

menu : a GimpUnitMenu
Returns : the configured number of digits for a pixel size

gimp_unit_menu_set_pixel_digits ()

void        gimp_unit_menu_set_pixel_digits (GimpUnitMenu *menu,
                                             gint digits);

A GimpUnitMenu can be setup to control the number of digits shown by attached spinbuttons. Please refer to the documentation of gimp_unit_menu_update() to see how this is done.

This function allows to specify the number of digits shown for a size in pixels. Usually this is 0 (only full pixels). If you want to allow the user to specify sub-pixel sizes using the attached spinbuttons, specify the number of digits after the decimal point here. You should do this after attaching your spinbuttons.

menu : a GimpUnitMenu
digits : the number of digits to display for a pixel size


The "unit-changed" signal

void        user_function                  (GimpUnitMenu *,
                                            gpointer user_data);

This signal is emitted whenever the user selects a GimpUnit from the GimpUnitMenu.

user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also


