Network.Socket | Portability | portable | Stability | provisional | Maintainer | libraries@haskell.org |
Contents |
- Types
- Socket Operations
- Predicates on sockets
- Socket options
- Ancilliary data
- Special Constants
- Initialisation
- Very low level operations
- Internal
Description |
The Network.Socket module is for when you want full control over
sockets. Essentially the entire C socket API is exposed through
this module; in general the operations follow the behaviour of the C
functions of the same name (consult your favourite Unix networking book). A higher level interface to networking operations is provided
through the module Network.
Synopsis |
Types |
data Socket |
data Family |
Address Families. This data type might have different constructors depending on what is
supported by the operating system. | Constructors | AF_UNSPEC | | AF_UNIX | | AF_INET | | AF_INET6 | | AF_SNA | | AF_DECnet | | AF_APPLETALK | | AF_ROUTE | | AF_X25 | | AF_AX25 | | AF_IPX | |
data SocketType |
Socket Types. This data type might have different constructors depending on what is
supported by the operating system. | Constructors | NoSocketType | | Stream | | Datagram | | Raw | | RDM | | SeqPacket | |
data SockAddr |
data SocketStatus |
Constructors | NotConnected | | Bound | | Listening | | Connected | |
type HostAddress = Word32 |
data ShutdownCmd |
Constructors | ShutdownReceive | | ShutdownSend | | ShutdownBoth | |
type ProtocolNumber = CInt |
data PortNumber |
Socket Operations |
socket :: Family -> SocketType -> ProtocolNumber -> IO Socket |
socketPair :: Family -> SocketType -> ProtocolNumber -> IO (Socket, Socket) |
connect :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO () |
bindSocket :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO () |
listen :: Socket -> Int -> IO () |
accept :: Socket -> IO (Socket, SockAddr) |
getPeerName :: Socket -> IO SockAddr |
getSocketName :: Socket -> IO SockAddr |
getPeerCred :: Socket -> IO (CUInt, CUInt, CUInt) |
Returns the processID, userID and groupID of the socket's peer. Only available on platforms that support SO_PEERCRED on domain sockets. |
socketPort :: Socket -> IO PortNumber |
socketToHandle :: Socket -> IOMode -> IO Handle |
sendTo :: Socket -> String -> SockAddr -> IO Int |
recvFrom :: Socket -> Int -> IO (String, Int, SockAddr) |
send :: Socket -> String -> IO Int |
recv :: Socket -> Int -> IO String |
inet_addr :: String -> IO HostAddress |
inet_ntoa :: HostAddress -> IO String |
shutdown :: Socket -> ShutdownCmd -> IO () |
sClose :: Socket -> IO () |
Predicates on sockets |
sIsConnected :: Socket -> IO Bool |
sIsBound :: Socket -> IO Bool |
sIsListening :: Socket -> IO Bool |
sIsReadable :: Socket -> IO Bool |
sIsWritable :: Socket -> IO Bool |
Socket options |
data SocketOption |
Constructors | DummySocketOption__ | | Debug | | ReuseAddr | | Type | | SoError | | DontRoute | | Broadcast | | SendBuffer | | RecvBuffer | | KeepAlive | | OOBInline | | TimeToLive | | MaxSegment | | NoDelay | | Linger | | RecvLowWater | | SendLowWater | | RecvTimeOut | | SendTimeOut | |
getSocketOption :: Socket -> SocketOption -> IO Int |
setSocketOption :: Socket -> SocketOption -> Int -> IO () |
Ancilliary data |
sendAncillary :: Socket -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO () |
recvAncillary :: Socket -> Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Int, Ptr a, Int) |
Special Constants |
aNY_PORT :: PortNumber |
iNADDR_ANY :: HostAddress |
sOMAXCONN :: Int |
sOL_SOCKET :: Int |
sCM_RIGHTS :: Int |
maxListenQueue :: Int |
Initialisation |
withSocketsDo :: IO a -> IO a |
On Windows operating systems, the networking subsystem has to be
initialised using withSocketsDo before any networking operations can
be used. eg. main = withSocketsDo $ do {...} Although this is only strictly necessary on Windows platforms, it is
harmless on other platforms, so for portability it is good practice to
use it all the time.
Very low level operations |
fdSocket :: Socket -> CInt |
mkSocket :: CInt -> Family -> SocketType -> ProtocolNumber -> SocketStatus -> IO Socket |
Internal |
The following are exported ONLY for use in the BSD module and
should not be used anywhere else. |
packFamily :: Family -> CInt |
unpackFamily :: CInt -> Family |
packSocketType :: SocketType -> CInt |
Produced by Haddock version 0.4 |