
GailTextUtil — GailTextUtil is a utility class which can be used to implement some of the AtkText functions for accessible objects which implement AtkText.


struct      GailTextUtil;
enum        GailOffsetType;
GailTextUtil* gail_text_util_new            (void);
void        gail_text_util_text_setup       (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             const gchar *text);
void        gail_text_util_buffer_setup     (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             GtkTextBuffer *buffer);
gchar*      gail_text_util_get_text         (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             gpointer layout,
                                             GailOffsetType function,
                                             AtkTextBoundary boundary_type,
                                             gint offset,
                                             gint *start_offset,
                                             gint *end_offset);
gchar*      gail_text_util_get_substring    (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             gint start_pos,
                                             gint end_pos);


GailTextUtil is a utility class which can be used to implement the AtkText functions which get text for accessible objects which implement AtkText. In GAIL it is used by the accsesible objects for GnomeCanvasText, GtkEntry, GtkLabel, GtkCellRendererText and GtkTextview.


struct GailTextUtil

struct GailTextUtil {

  GObject parent;

  GtkTextBuffer *buffer;

The GailTextCell structure should not be accessed directly.

enum GailOffsetType

typedef enum

Specifies which of the functions atk_text_get_text_before_offset(), atk_text_get_text_at_offset(), atk_text_get_text_after_offset() the function gail_text_util_get_text() is being called for.

GAIL_BEFORE_OFFSET Text before offset is required.
GAIL_AT_OFFSET Text at offset is required,
GAIL_AFTER_OFFSET Text after offset is required.

gail_text_util_new ()

GailTextUtil* gail_text_util_new            (void);

This function creates a new GailTextUtil object.

Returns : the GailTextUtil object

gail_text_util_text_setup ()

void        gail_text_util_text_setup       (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             const gchar *text);

This function initializes the GailTextUtil with the specified character string,

textutil : The GailTextUtil to be initialized.
text : A gchar* which points to the text to be stored in the GailTextUtil

gail_text_util_buffer_setup ()

void        gail_text_util_buffer_setup     (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             GtkTextBuffer *buffer);

This function initializes the GailTextUtil with the specified GtkTextBuffer

textutil : A GailTextUtil to be initialized
buffer : The GtkTextBuffer which identifies the text to be stored in the GailUtil.

gail_text_util_get_text ()

gchar*      gail_text_util_get_text         (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             gpointer layout,
                                             GailOffsetType function,
                                             AtkTextBoundary boundary_type,
                                             gint offset,
                                             gint *start_offset,
                                             gint *end_offset);

This function gets the requested substring from the text in the GtkTextUtil. The layout is used only for getting the text on a line. The value is NULL for a GtkTextView which is not wrapped, is a GtkTextView for a GtkTextView which is wrapped and is a PangoLayout otherwise.

textutil : A GailTextUtil
layout : A gpointer which is a PangoLayout, a GtkTreeView of NULL
function : An enumeration specifying whether to return the text before, at, or after the offset.
boundary_type : The boundary type.
offset : The offset of the text in the GailTextUtil
start_offset : Address of location in which the start offset is returned
end_offset : Address of location in which the end offset is returned
Returns : the substring requested

gail_text_util_get_substring ()

gchar*      gail_text_util_get_substring    (GailTextUtil *textutil,
                                             gint start_pos,
                                             gint end_pos);

Gets the substring indicated by start_pos and end_pos

textutil : A GailTextUtil
start_pos : The start position of the substring
end_pos : The end position of the substring.
Returns : the substring indicated by start_pos and end_pos