class for handling IRC user messages. Includes some utilities for handling
the message, for example in plugins. The message member will have
any bot addressing "^bot: " removed (address? will return true in
this case)
for PRIVMSGs, true if the message was a CTCP ACTION (CTCP stuff will be
stripped from the message)
channel the message was in, nil for privately addressed messages
for plugin messages, the rest of the message, with the plugin name removed
for plugin messages, the name of the plugin invoked by the message
convenience member. Who to reply to (i.e. would be sourcenick for a
privately addressed message, or target (the channel) for a publicly
addressed message
convenience method to reply to a message, useful in plugins. It's the same
as doing: @bot.say m.replyto, string So if the message is private,
it will reply to the user. If it was in a channel, it will reply in the