-- This file is part of SmartEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler. -- Copyright (C) 1994-2002 LORIA - INRIA - U.H.P. Nancy 1 - FRANCE -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - SmartEiffel@loria.fr -- http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr -- SmartEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. SmartEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- Public License along with SmartEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not, -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- deferred class FROZEN_STRING_LIST -- -- Shared Frozen String list. -- feature {NONE} -- The keywords section: fz_adapt: STRING is "adapt" fz_alias: STRING is "alias" fz_all: STRING is "all" fz_as: STRING is "as" fz_assertion: STRING is "assertion" fz_boost: STRING is "boost" fz_check: STRING is "check" fz_class: STRING is "class" fz_cluster: STRING is "cluster" fz_create: STRING is "create" fz_creation: STRING is "creation" fz_debug: STRING is "debug" fz_default: STRING is "default" fz_deferred: STRING is "deferred" fz_do: STRING is "do" fz_else: STRING is "else" fz_elseif: STRING is "elseif" fz_end: STRING is "end" fz_ensure: STRING is "ensure" fz_exclude: STRING is "exclude" fz_expanded: STRING is "expanded" fz_export: STRING is "export" fz_external: STRING is "external" fz_false: STRING is "false" fz_feature: STRING is "feature" fz_from: STRING is "from" fz_frozen: STRING is "frozen" fz_generate: STRING is "generate" fz_if: STRING is "if" fz_include: STRING is "include" fz_indexing: STRING is "indexing" fz_infix: STRING is "infix" fz_inherit: STRING is "inherit" fz_inline: STRING is "inline" fz_inspect: STRING is "inspect" fz_invariant: STRING is "invariant" fz_is: STRING is "is" fz_like: STRING is "like" fz_local: STRING is "local" fz_loop: STRING is "loop" fz_macro: STRING is "macro" fz_no: STRING is "no" fz_obsolete: STRING is "obsolete" fz_old: STRING is "old" fz_once: STRING is "once" fz_option: STRING is "option" fz_prefix: STRING is "prefix" fz_redefine: STRING is "redefine" fz_rename: STRING is "rename" fz_require: STRING is "require" fz_rescue: STRING is "rescue" fz_retry: STRING is "retry" fz_runtime: STRING is "runtime" fz_select: STRING is "select" fz_separate: STRING is "separate" fz_basic_: STRING is "basic_" fz_reference: STRING is "reference" fz_signature: STRING is "signature" fz_strip: STRING is "strip" fz_then: STRING is "then" fz_trace: STRING is "trace" fz_true: STRING is "true" fz_undefine: STRING is "undefine" fz_unique: STRING is "unique" fz_until: STRING is "until" fz_use: STRING is "use" fz_variant: STRING is "variant" fz_when: STRING is "when" fz_yes: STRING is "yes" feature {NONE} -- Most of them are command flag names: fz_case_insensitive: STRING is "case_insensitive" fz_cc: STRING is "cc" fz_cecil: STRING is "cecil" fz_clean: STRING is "clean" fz_gc_info: STRING is "gc_info" fz_help: STRING is "help" fz_high_memory_compiler: STRING is "high_memory_compiler" fz_manifest_string_trace: STRING is "manifest_string_trace" fz_no_main: STRING is "no_main" fz_no_split: STRING is "no_split" fz_no_strip: STRING is "no_strip" fz_no_style_warning: STRING is "no_style_warning" fz_no_warning: STRING is "no_warning" fz_o: STRING is "-o" fz_safety_check: STRING is "safety_check" fz_sedb: STRING is "sedb" fz_verbose: STRING is "verbose" fz_version: STRING is "version" fz_wedit: STRING is "wedit" feature {NONE} -- Most of them are message parts: fz_arrow_id: STRING is "->id" fz_bad_anchor: STRING is "Bad anchor." fz_bad_argument: STRING is "Bad argument." fz_bad_arguments: STRING is "Bad arguments." fz_bad_assertion: STRING is "Bad Assertion." fz_bcv: STRING is "Bad CHARACTER value." fz_bga: STRING is "Bad generic argument." fz_biv: STRING is "Bad INTEGER value." fz_bnga: STRING is "Bad number of generic arguments." fz_blhsoa: STRING is "Bad left hand side of assignment." fz_brhsoa: STRING is "Bad right hand side of assignment." fz_cad: STRING is "Cyclic anchored definition." fz_cbe: STRING is " cannot be expanded. " fz_cnf: STRING is "Class not found." fz_dot_blank: STRING is ". " fz_dot_new_line: STRING is ".%N" fz_dtideena: STRING is " has no compiler-defined `deep_twin' or `is_deep_equal' % %because the corresponding allocated size is not part of the % %NATIVE_ARRAY object. The client class of this NATIVE_ARRAY % %type is supposed to use a `capacity' attribute which contains % %the corresponding number of allocated items (see STRING or % %ARRAY for example)." fz_error_stars: STRING is "****** " fz_feature_not_found: STRING is "Feature not found" fz_iinaiv: STRING is "It is not an integer value." fz_ich: STRING is "Incompatible headings." fz_is_invalid: STRING is " is invalid." fz_is_not_boolean: STRING is " is not BOOLEAN." fz_jvm_error: STRING is "Incompatible with Java bytecode." fz_not_found: STRING is "%" not found." fz_vuar4: STRING is "The $ operator must be followed by the % %final name of a feature which is not a % %constant attribute (VUAR.4)." fz_ffinap: STRING is "Feature found is not a procedure." feature {NONE} -- SCOOP-related strings: -- SCR means Separateness Consistency Rule -- SCR.1 is just a conformance rule (so that message won't be displayed...) fz_sc1: STRING is "If the source of an attachment (assignment instruction or assignment passing) is separate, its target entity must be separate too (SCR.1)." fz_sc2: STRING is "If an actual argument of a separate call is of a reference type, the corresponding formal argument must be declared as separate (SCR.2)." fz_sc4: STRING is "If an actual argument of a separate call is of an expanded type, its base class may not include, directly or indirectly, any non-separate attribute of a reference type (SCR.4)." fz_st0_star: STRING is "sT0*" feature {NONE} -- Some other names: fz_b: STRING is "B" fz_bin: STRING is "bin" fz_caller: STRING is "caller" fz_char: STRING is "char" fz_close_c_comment: STRING is "*/" fz_cast_gcfsh_star: STRING is "(gcfsh*)" fz_cast_gcnah_star: STRING is "(gcnah*)" fz_cast_t0_star: STRING is "(T0*)" fz_cast_void_star: STRING is "(void*)" fz_c_eq: STRING is "==" fz_c_if_neq_null: STRING is "if(NULL!=" fz_c_if_eq_null: STRING is "if(NULL==" fz_c_neq: STRING is "!=" fz_c_no_args_procedure: STRING is "();%N" fz_c_no_args_function: STRING is "()" fz_c_shift_left: STRING is "<<" fz_c_shift_right: STRING is ">>" fz_c_void_args: STRING is "(void)" fz_define: STRING is "define" fz_eq_h: STRING is "=H" fz_exit: STRING is "exit" fz_extern: STRING is "extern " fz_eiffel_root_object: STRING is "eiffel_root_object" fz_equals: STRING is "equals" fz_gc: STRING is "gc" fz_gc_lib: STRING is "gc_lib" fz_gc_mark: STRING is "gc_mark" fz_gc_sweep: STRING is "gc_sweep" fz_gc_sweep_chunk: STRING is "gc_sweep_chunk" fz_get: STRING is "get" fz_i: STRING is "I" fz_int: STRING is "int" fz_j: STRING is "J" fz_java_io_inputstream: STRING is "java/io/InputStream" fz_java_io_outputstream: STRING is "java/io/OutputStream" fz_java_lang_class: STRING is "java/lang/Class" fz_java_lang_boolean: STRING is "java/lang/Boolean" fz_java_lang_byte: STRING is "java/lang/Byte" fz_java_lang_character: STRING is "java/lang/Character" fz_java_lang_double: STRING is "java/lang/Double" fz_java_lang_float: STRING is "java/lang/Float" fz_java_lang_integer: STRING is "java/lang/Integer" fz_java_lang_long: STRING is "java/lang/Long" fz_java_lang_math: STRING is "java/lang/Math" fz_java_lang_object: STRING is "java/lang/Object" fz_java_lang_reflect_method: STRING is "java/lang/reflect/Method" fz_java_lang_short: STRING is "java/lang/Short" fz_java_lang_string: STRING is "java/lang/String" fz_java_lang_system: STRING is "java/lang/System" fz_java_util_bitset: STRING is "java/util/BitSet" fz_jvm_root: STRING is "_any" fz_link: STRING is "link" fz_main: STRING is "main" fz_max_value: STRING is "MAX_VALUE" fz_min_value: STRING is "MIN_VALUE" fz_new: STRING is "new" fz_new_chunk: STRING is "new_chunk" fz_no_check: STRING is "no_check" fz_null: STRING is "NULL" fz_open_c_comment: STRING is "/*" fz_printf: STRING is "printf" fz_return: STRING is "return" fz_s: STRING is "S" fz_smarteiffel: STRING is "SmartEiffel" fz_se_cmpt: STRING is "se_cmpT" fz_se_i: STRING is "se_i" fz_set: STRING is "set" fz_size: STRING is "size" fz_sizeof: STRING is "sizeof" fz_se_runtime: STRING is "SmartEiffelRuntime" fz_static: STRING is "static " fz_struct: STRING is "struct" fz_sys: STRING is "sys" fz_system_se: STRING is "system.se" fz_t0_star: STRING is "T0*" fz_t7_star: STRING is "T7*" fz_to_t: STRING is "toT" fz_typedef: STRING is "typedef " fz_unsigned: STRING is "unsigned" fz_unlink: STRING is "unlink" fz_void: STRING is "void" fz_0x: STRING is "0x" feature {NONE} -- The numbered (stupid?) section: fz_00: STRING is ";%N" fz_01: STRING is "File %"" fz_02: STRING is "Done.%N" fz_03: STRING is "%"." fz_04: STRING is "Pre-Computed Once Function" fz_05: STRING is "(s):%N" fz_06: STRING is " is concerned." fz_07: STRING is " is ever created." fz_09: STRING is "Feature %"" fz_10: STRING is " : %%d\n%"," fz_11: STRING is "{%N" fz_12: STRING is "}%N" fz_13: STRING is "))" fz_14: STRING is ");%N" fz_15: STRING is "return R;%N}%N" fz_16: STRING is "));%N" fz_17: STRING is "((" fz_18: STRING is "%"%N" fz_19: STRING is ")V" fz_20: STRING is "),(" fz_21: STRING is "Ljava/lang/Object;" fz_22: STRING is ")(" fz_23: STRING is "([Ljava/lang/String;)V" fz_24: STRING is "string" fz_25: STRING is "java/io/PrintStream" fz_26: STRING is "R=(" fz_27: STRING is "(I)V" fz_28: STRING is "_initialize_eiffel_runtime" fz_29: STRING is "()V" fz_30: STRING is "=NULL;%N" fz_31: STRING is "[B" fz_32: STRING is "(((unsigned int)(" fz_33: STRING is "getBytes" fz_34: STRING is "()[B" fz_35: STRING is "" fz_36: STRING is ")>>(" fz_37: STRING is "-(" fz_38: STRING is "Ljava/io/InputStream;" fz_39: STRING is ")&&(" fz_40: STRING is "Ljava/io/PrintStream;" fz_41: STRING is "B" fz_42: STRING is "close" fz_43: STRING is "((T5)(" fz_44: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;" fz_45: STRING is "((T4)(" fz_46: STRING is ")[" fz_47: STRING is "=(" fz_48: STRING is "gc_is_off=0;%N" fz_49: STRING is "err" fz_50: STRING is "Assertion failed." fz_51: STRING is "println" fz_52: STRING is "traceInstructions" fz_53: STRING is "if(" fz_54: STRING is "(Z)V" fz_55: STRING is "getRuntime" fz_56: STRING is "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;" fz_57: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" fz_58: STRING is "check_flag" fz_59: STRING is "0." fz_60: STRING is "valueOf0" fz_61: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)D" fz_62: STRING is "){%N" fz_63: STRING is "toString" fz_64: STRING is "(D)Ljava/lang/String;" fz_65: STRING is "([BII)V" fz_66: STRING is "String" fz_67: STRING is "}else{%N" fz_68: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" fz_69: STRING is "*((T" fz_70: STRING is "*)(" fz_71: STRING is "()I" fz_72: STRING is ")->" fz_73: STRING is "Z" fz_74: STRING is "args" fz_75: STRING is "[Ljava/lang/String;" fz_76: STRING is "" fz_77: STRING is "D" fz_78: STRING is "F" fz_79: STRING is "(((" fz_80: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" fz_81: STRING is " of " fz_82: STRING is "parseInt" fz_83: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)I" fz_84: STRING is "),sizeof(T" fz_85: STRING is "&ds," fz_86: STRING is "exists" fz_87: STRING is "()Z" fz_88: STRING is "(Ljava/io/File;)V" fz_89: STRING is "exec" fz_90: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Process;" fz_91: STRING is "waitFor" fz_92: STRING is "R=1;%N" fz_93: STRING is "if(R)R=r" fz_94: STRING is "(D)D" fz_95: STRING is "C->_" fz_96: STRING is "()D" fz_97: STRING is "()F" fz_98: STRING is "ds.p," fz_99: STRING is "(DD)D" fz_a2: STRING is "get" fz_a3: STRING is "(I)Z" fz_a4: STRING is "set" fz_a5: STRING is "clear" fz_a6: STRING is "clone" fz_a7: STRING is "()Ljava/lang/Object;" fz_a8: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z" fz_a9: STRING is "Ljava/util/BitSet;" fz_b0: STRING is "%".%N" fz_b1: STRING is "(Ljava/util/BitSet;)V" fz_b2: STRING is "delete" fz_b3: STRING is "renameTo" fz_b4: STRING is "(Ljava/io/File;)Z" fz_b7: STRING is "((T" fz_c0: STRING is "parseDouble" fz_c1: STRING is "parseLong" fz_c2: STRING is "[Ljava/lang/Object;" fz_c3: STRING is "getClass" fz_c4: STRING is "()Ljava/lang/Class;" fz_c5: STRING is "[Ljava/lang/Class;" fz_c6: STRING is "getMethod" fz_c7: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;" fz_c8: STRING is "invoke" fz_c9: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;" fz_ca: STRING is "Ljava/lang/Class;" fz_cb: STRING is "(Z)V" fz_cc1: STRING is "(B)V" fz_cc2: STRING is "(S)V" fz_cd: STRING is "(J)V" fz_ce: STRING is "(F)V" fz_cf: STRING is "(D)V" fz_d0: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V;" fz_d1: STRING is "forName" fz_d2: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;" fz_d3: STRING is "[I" fz_d4: STRING is "booleanValue" fz_d5: STRING is "()B" fz_d6: STRING is "byteValue" fz_d7: STRING is "intValue" fz_d8: STRING is "()J" fz_d9: STRING is "longValue" fz_da: STRING is "floatValue" fz_db: STRING is "doubleValue" fz_dc: STRING is "xor" fz_dd: STRING is "or" fz_de: STRING is "(Ljava/lang/String;)J" fz_df: STRING is "hashCode" end -- FROZEN_STRING_LIST