XmQUICK A closest distance algorithm is used to map image colors to the palette. No error correction is performed. Fast, but the resulting image quality depends on the distribution of the colors in the image.
XmBEST Ordered dither using predefined error matrices. Offers the best balance between speed and quality but uses a lot of memory (512kb).
XmFAST Simple ordered dither without error correction. This is the fastest method but uses a lot of memory (512kb).
XmSLOW A closest distance algorithm followed by Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion. Slowest method but highest quality.
XmDISABLED This cell spans two rows and two columns. Lets see how XmHTML deals with this. I'm really curious here, but if all is well this is just needless worrying. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know. Some text to fill this cell up, it's pretty large, you know.
XmDISABLED disables palette mapping. This is the default setting.
this row contains 3 (three) cells....
some bogus text to test the colspan attribute in a HTML3.2 table. This text should span accross the entire width of the table, so let's see if it does. If it doesn't I have a problem. The only case in which it shouldn't span the entire table is when the cellpadding attribute is set.
XmDISABLED this cell should span two (2) columns. Same note about cellpadding applies here as well.
Same as previous row, but this time reversed. This cell should span two columns. XmDISABLED