Structure FileSys
(* OS.FileSys -- SML Basis Library *)
type dirstream
val openDir : string -> dirstream
val readDir : dirstream -> string option
val rewindDir : dirstream -> unit
val closeDir : dirstream -> unit
val chDir : string -> unit
val getDir : unit -> string
val mkDir : string -> unit
val rmDir : string -> unit
val isDir : string -> bool
val realPath : string -> string
val fullPath : string -> string
val isLink : string -> bool
val readLink : string -> string
val modTime : string -> Time.time
val setTime : string * Time.time option -> unit
val remove : string -> unit
val rename : {old: string, new: string} -> unit
datatype access = A_READ | A_WRITE | A_EXEC
val access : string * access list -> bool
val fileSize : string -> int
val tmpName : unit -> string
eqtype file_id
val fileId : string -> file_id
val hash : file_id -> word
val compare : file_id * file_id -> order
These functions operate on the file system. They raise OS.SysErr
in case of errors.
[openDir p] opens directory p and returns a directory stream for
use by readDir, rewindDir, and closeDir. Subsequent calls to
readDir will return the directory entries in some unspecified
[readDir dstr] returns SOME(s), consuming an entry s from the
directory stream if it is non-empty; returns NONE if it is empty
(when all directory entries have been read). Only entries distinct
from the parent arc and the current arc (that is, .. and . in Unix,
DOS, and Windows; see the Path structure) will be returned.
[rewindDir dstr] resets the directory stream as if it had just been
[closeDir dstr] closes the directory stream. All subsequent
operations on the stream will raise OS.SysErr.
[chDir p] changes the current working directory to p. This affects
calls to the functions use, load, compile in the interactive
system, as well as all functions defined in this library. If p
specifies a volume name, then this command also changes the current
volume (relevant under DOS, Windows, OS/2, etc.).
[getDir ()] returns the name of the current working directory.
[mkDir p] creates directory p on the file system.
[rmDir p] removes directory p from the file system.
[isDir p] tests whether p is a directory.
[fullPath p] returns a canonical form of path p, where all
occurrences of the arcs ".", "..", "" have been expanded or
removed, and (under Unix) symbolic links have been fully expanded.
Raises SysErr if a directory on the path, or the file or directory
named, does not exist or is not accessible, or if there is a link
[realPath p] behaves as fullPath(p) if p is absolute. If p is
relative and on the same volume as the current working directory,
it returns a canonical path relative to the current working
directory, where superfluous occurrences of the arcs ".", "..", ""
have been removed, and (under Unix) symbolic links have been fully
expanded. Raises SysErr if a directory on the path, or the file or
directory named, does not exist or is not accessible, or if there
is a link loop. Raises Path if p is relative and on a different
volume than the current working directory.
[isLink p] returns true if p names a symbolic link. Raises SysErr
if the file does not exist or there is an access violation. On
operating systems without symbolic links, it returns false, or
raises SysErr if the file does not exist or there is an access
[readLink p] returns the contents of the symbolic link p. Raises
SysErr if p does not exist or is not a symbolic link, or there is
an access violation. On operating systems without symbolic links,
it raises SysErr.
[modTime p] returns the modification time of file p.
[setTime (p, tmopt)] sets the modification and access time of file
p. If tmopt is SOME t, then the time t is used; otherwise the
current time, that is, Time.now(), is used.
[remove p] deletes file p from the file system.
[rename {old, new}] changes the name of file `old' to `new'.
[access] is the type of access permissions:
[A_READ] specifies read access.
[A_WRITE] specifies write access.
[A_EXEC] specifies permission to execute the file (or directory).
[access (p, accs)] tests the access permissions of file p,
expanding symbolic links as necessary. If the list accs of
required access permission is empty, it tests whether p exists. If
accs contains A_READ, A_WRITE, or A_EXEC, respectively, it tests
whether the user process has read, write, or execute permission for
the file.
Under Unix, the access test is done with the `real' user
id and group id (as opposed to the `effective' user id and group
id) of the user process. Hence access("file", [A_READ]) may return
false, yet the file may be readable by the process, in case the
effective user id or group id has been changed by setuid.
[fileSize p] return the size, in bytes, of the file p. Raises SysErr
if p does not exist or its directory is not accessible.
[tmpName ()] returns a file name suitable for creating a fresh
temporary file. Note that there is no guarantee that the file name
will be unique, since a file of that name may be created between
the call to tmpName and a subsequent call to openOut which creates
the file. The file name will be absolute, usually of the form
/tmp/xxxxxxxx provided by POSIX tmpnam (3).
[file_id] is the type of unique identities of file system objects
(including device ids and volume ids, but possibly insensitive to
volume changes on removable volumes, such as tapes and diskettes).
The set of file ids is equipped with a total linear order.
[fileId p] returns the file_id of the file system object named by
path p. It holds that fileId p1 = fileId p2 if and only if p1 and
p2 name the same file system object.
[hash fid] returns a hashvalue for fid, suitable for use in a
hashtable of file ids (and hence files).
If fid1 = fid2 then hash fid1 = hash fid2.
[compare (fid1, fid2)] returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER, according
as fid1 precedes, equals, or follows fid2 in the total linear order
on file ids. This is suitable for e.g. an ordered binary tree of
file ids (and hence files).