
Moscow ML Library

The Moscow ML Library consists of large parts of the SML Basis Library and a number of extensions.

The HTML files referred below may be downloaded to your local site: gzipped tar file or zip file.

Identifier index

Identifier index

All structures

Array    Array2    Arraysort    BasicIO    Binarymap    Binaryset    BinIO    Bool    Byte    Callback    Char    CharArray    CharVector    CommandLine    Date    Dynarray    Dynlib    FileSys    Gdbm    Gdimage    General    Help    Int    Intmap    Intset    Lexing    List    ListPair    Listsort    Location    Math    Meta    Mosml    Mosmlcgi    Mosmlcookie    Msp    Mysql    NJ93    Nonstdio    OS    Option    Parsing    Path    Polygdbm    Polyhash    Postgres    PP    Process    Random    Real    Regex    Signal    SML90    Socket    Splaymap    Splayset    String    StringCvt    Substring    Susp    TextIO    Time    Timer    Unix    Vector    Weak    Word    Word8    Word8Array    Word8Vector

Description of the structures

Array mutable constant-time-access arraysSDFNO
Array2 two-dimensional arraysS
Arraysort array sorting (quicksort)L
BasicIO input-output as in SML'90DF
Binarymap binary tree implementation of finite mapsL
Binaryset binary tree implementation of finite setsSF
BinIO binary input-output streams (imperative)L
Bool BooleansSF
Byte character-byte conversionSF
Callback registering ML values for access from C code
Char charactersSDFNO
CharArray arrays of charactersSF
CharVector vectors of characters (= strings)SF
CommandLine program name and argumentsSF
Date manipulation of calendar datesSF
Dynarray dynamic arraysL
Dynlib dynamic linking of foreign (C) functions 
FileSys interaction with the file systemSF
General various top-level primitivesSD
Gdbm persistent hash tables of strings (gdbm)C
Gdimage generation of PNG images (Boutell's GD package)C
Help on-line helpDFNO
Int operations on integersSF
Intmap finite maps from integersL
Intset finite sets of integersL
Lexing support for lexers generated by mosmllex 
List classic list manipulation functionsSDFNO
ListPair operations on pairs of listsSF
Listsort list sorting (mergesort) 
Location error reporting for lexers and parsers 
Math trigonometric functions etc.SF
Meta functions specific to the interactive system 
Mosml various non-standard utilitiesF
Mosmlcgi utilities for writing CGI programs 
Mosmlcookie manipulating cookies in CGI programs 
Msp ML Server Pages, mixing HTML and SML 
Mysql interface to the Mysql database serverC
NJ93 top-level compatibility with SML/NJ 0.93N
Nonstdio non-standard I/O, used by lexers 
OS operating system informationSF
Option partial functionsSDFNO
Parsing support for parsers generated by mosmlyac 
Path file-system independent path manipulationSF
Polygdbm polymorphic persistent hash tables (gdbm)C
Polyhash polymorphic hash tables 
Postgres interface to the PostgreSQL database serverC
PP general prettyprintersL
Process manipulating processesSF
Random generation of pseudo-random numbers 
Real arithmetics on floating-point numbersSF
Regex regular expressions as in POSIX 1003.2C
Signal Unix signalsS
SML90 top-level compatibility with SML'90SO
Socket interface to socketsC
Splaymap splay-tree implementation of finite mapsL
Splayset splay-tree implementation of finite setsL
String string manipulationSDFNO
StringCvt conversion to and from stringsSF
Substring manipulation of constant-time substringsSF
Susp support for lazy evaluation 
TextIO text input-output streams (imperative)SDF
Time time points and durationsSF
Timer measuring real time and cpu timeSF
Unix starting concurrent subprocesses under UnixS
Vector immutable constant-time-access vectorsSDFNO
Weak arrays of weak pointers
Word words (31-bit unsigned integers)SF
Word8 bytes (8-bit unsigned integers)SF
Word8Array arrays of bytesSF
Word8Vector vectors of bytesSF

The compatibility field is interpreted as follows:

means that the unit belongs to the SML Basis Library.
means that the unit is loaded if no `-P' option is specified (default).
means that the unit is loaded if option `-P full' is specified.
means that the unit is loaded if option `-P nj93' is specified.
means that the unit is loaded if option `-P sml90' is specified.
means that the unit is from the SML/NJ Library (version 0.2).
means that the unit requires the Dynlib foreign (C) function interface and other foreign libraries

Getting help in a mosml interactive session

Within a mosml interactive session, the Moscow ML Library manual pages are accessible in ASCII format from the `help' utility. For instance, to get help on the toString functions, type

   help "tostring";

Moscow ML 2.00, Peter Sestoft (