\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @c %**start of header @setfilename maxima.info @synindex vr fn @settitle Maxima Manual @c %**end of header @setchapternewpage odd @ifinfo This is a Texinfo Maxima Manual Copyright 1994 William F. Schelter @end ifinfo @titlepage @sp 10 @comment The title is printed in a large font. @center @titlefont{Maxima Manual} @end titlepage @node Top, Lists, (dir), (dir) @menu * Lists:: * Differentiation:: * Integration:: * Polynomials:: * Simplification:: * Expressions:: * Function Definition:: * Input and Output:: * Program Flow:: * Plotting:: * Floating Point:: * Numerical:: * Trigonometric:: * Equations:: * Arrays and Tables:: * Series:: * Symmetries:: * Groups:: * Operators:: * Constants:: * Special Functions:: * Command Line:: * Contexts:: * Matrices and Linear Algebra:: * Runtime Environment:: * Miscellaneous Options:: * Rules and Patterns:: * Number Theory:: * Help:: * Differential Equations:: * Statistics:: * Limits:: * Logarithms:: * Debugging:: * Affine:: * Tensor:: * Ctensor:: * None:: --- The Detailed Node Listing --- Lists * Definitions for Lists:: Definitions for Lists * APPEND:: * ATOM:: * CONS:: * COPYLIST:: * DELETE:: * ENDCONS:: * FIRST:: * GET:: * LAST:: * LENGTH:: * LISTARITH:: * LISTP:: * MAKELIST:: * MEMBER:: * REST:: * REVERSE:: Differentiation * Definitions for Differentiation:: Definitions for Differentiation * ANTID:: * ANTIDIFF:: * property:: * ATVALUE:: * CARTAN:: * DELTA:: * DEPENDENCIES:: * DEPENDS:: * DERIVABBREV:: * DERIVDEGREE:: * DERIVLIST:: * DERIVSUBST:: * {special symbol}:: * DIFF:: * DSCALAR:: * EXPRESS:: * GENDIFF:: * GRADEF:: * GRADEFS:: * LAPLACE:: * UNDIFF:: Integration * Introduction to Integration:: * INTEGRALS:: * Definitions for Integration:: Introduction to Integration * INTEGRALS:: * CHANGEVAR:: * DBLINT:: * DEFINT:: * ERF:: * ERFFLAG:: * ERRINTSCE:: * ILT:: * INTEGRATE:: * INTEGRATION_CONSTANT_COUNTER:: * INTSCE:: * LDEFINT:: * POTENTIAL:: * QQ:: * QUANC8:: * RESIDUE:: * RISCH:: * ROMBERG:: * ROMBERGABS:: * ROMBERGIT:: * ROMBERGMIN:: * ROMBERGTOL:: * TLDEFINT:: Polynomials * Introduction to Polynomials:: * CRE:: * Definitions for Polynomials:: Introduction to Polynomials * CRE:: * ALGEBRAIC:: * BERLEFACT:: * BEZOUT:: * BOTHCOEF:: * COEFF:: * COMBINE:: * CONTENT:: * DENOM:: * DIVIDE:: * ELIMINATE:: * EZGCD:: * FACEXPAND:: * FACTCOMB:: * FACTOR:: * FACTORFLAG:: * FACTOROUT:: * FACTORSUM:: * FASTTIMES:: * FULLRATSIMP:: * FULLRATSUBST:: * GCD:: * GCFACTOR:: * GFACTOR:: * GFACTORSUM:: * HIPOW:: * INTFACLIM:: * KEEPFLOAT:: * LRATSUBST:: * MODULUS:: * NEWFAC:: * NUM:: * QUOTIENT:: * RAT:: * RATALGDENOM:: * RATCOEF:: * RATDENOM:: * RATDENOMDIVIDE:: * RATDIFF:: * RATDISREP:: * RATEPSILON:: * RATEXPAND:: * RATFAC:: * RATNUMER:: * RATNUMP:: * RATP:: * RATPRINT:: * RATSIMP:: * RATSIMPEXPONS:: * RATSUBST:: * RATVARS:: * RATWEIGHT:: * RATWEIGHTS:: * RATWEYL:: * RATWTLVL:: * REMAINDER:: * RESULTANT:: * SAVEFACTORS:: * SQFR:: * TELLRAT:: * TOTALDISREP:: * UNTELLRAT:: Simplification * Definitions for Simplification:: Definitions for Simplification * APPLY_NOUNS:: * ASKEXP:: * ASKINTEGER:: * ASKSIGN:: * DEMOIVRE:: * DOMAIN:: * EXPAND:: * EXPANDWRT:: * EXPANDWRT_DENOM:: * EXPANDWRT_FACTORED:: * EXPON:: * EXPONENTIALIZE:: * EXPOP:: * FACTLIM:: * INTOSUM:: * declaration:: * declaration:: * declaration:: * MAXAPPLYDEPTH:: * MAXAPPLYHEIGHT:: * MAXNEGEX:: * MAXPOSEX:: * declaration:: * NEGDISTRIB:: * NEGSUMDISPFLAG:: * {special symbol}:: * declaration:: * NOUNDISP:: * {special symbol}:: * {special symbol}:: * NUMERVAL:: * OPPROPERTIES:: * OPSUBST:: * declaration:: * declaration:: * PRODHACK:: * RADCAN:: * RADEXPAND:: * RADPRODEXPAND:: * RADSUBSTFLAG:: * declaration:: * SCSIMP:: * SIMP:: * SIMPSUM:: * SUMCONTRACT:: * SUMEXPAND:: * SUMHACK:: * SUMSPLITFACT:: * declaration:: * UNKNOWN:: Expressions * Introduction to Expressions:: * ASSIGNMENT:: * COMPLEX:: * INEQUALITY:: * SYNTAX:: * Definitions for Expressions:: Introduction to Expressions * ASSIGNMENT:: * COMPLEX:: * INEQUALITY:: * SYNTAX:: * AT:: * BOX:: * BOXCHAR:: * {special operator}:: * CONSTANTP:: * CONTRACT:: * DECLARE:: * DISOLATE:: * DISPFORM:: * DISTRIB:: * DPART:: * EXP:: * EXPTISOLATE:: * EXPTSUBST:: * FREEOF:: * GENFACT:: * IMAGPART:: * INDICES:: * INFIX:: * INFLAG:: * INPART:: * ISOLATE:: * ISOLATE_WRT_TIMES:: * LISTCONSTVARS:: * LISTDUMMYVARS:: * LISTOFVARS:: * LOPOW:: * LPART:: * MULTTHRU:: * NOUNIFY:: * NTERMS:: * OPTIMIZE:: * OPTIMPREFIX:: * ORDERGREAT:: * ORDERGREATP:: * ORDERLESS:: * ORDERLESSP:: * PART:: * PARTITION:: * PARTSWITCH:: * PICKAPART:: * PIECE:: * POWERS:: * PRODUCT:: * REALPART:: * RECTFORM:: * REMBOX:: * SUM:: * {special symbol}:: * VERBIFY:: Function Definition * Introduction to Function Definition:: * FUNCTION:: * MACROS:: * OPTIMIZATION:: * Definitions for Function Definition:: Introduction to Function Definition * FUNCTION:: * MACROS:: * OPTIMIZATION:: * APPLY:: * BINDTEST:: * BLOCK:: * BREAK:: * BUILDQ:: * CATCH:: * COMPFILE:: * COMPGRIND:: * COMPILE:: * COMPILE_LISP_FILE:: * DEFINE:: * DEFINE_VARIABLE:: * DISPFUN:: * FUNCTIONS:: * FUNDEF:: * FUNMAKE:: * LOCAL:: * MACROEXPANSION:: * MODE_CHECKP:: * MODE_CHECK_ERRORP:: * MODE_CHECK_WARNP:: * MODE_DECLARE:: * MODE_IDENTITY:: * TRANSBIND:: * TRANSCOMPILE:: * TRANSLATE:: * TRANSLATE_FILE:: * TRANSRUN:: * TR_ARRAY_AS_REF:: * TR_BOUND_FUNCTION_APPLYP:: * TR_FILE_TTY_MESSAGESP:: * TR_FLOAT_CAN_BRANCH_COMPLEX:: * TR_FUNCTION_CALL_DEFAULT:: * TR_GEN_TAGS:: * TR_NUMER:: * TR_OPTIMIZE_MAX_LOOP:: * TR_OUTPUT_FILE_DEFAULT:: * TR_PREDICATE_BRAIN_DAMAGE:: * TR_SEMICOMPILE:: * TR_STATE_VARS:: * TR_TRUE_NAME_OF_FILE_BEING_TRANSLATED:: * TR_VERSION:: * TR_WARNINGS_GET:: * TR_WARN_BAD_FUNCTION_CALLS:: * TR_WARN_FEXPR:: * TR_WARN_MEVAL:: * TR_WARN_MODE:: * TR_WARN_UNDECLARED:: * TR_WARN_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE:: * TR_WINDY:: * UNDECLAREDWARN:: * COMPILE_FILE:: * DECLARE_TRANSLATED:: Input and Output * Introduction to Input and Output:: * FILES:: * PLAYBACK:: * Definitions for Input and Output:: Introduction to Input and Output * FILES:: * PLAYBACK:: * %:: * %%:: * %EDISPFLAG:: * %TH:: * {special symbol}:: * ABSBOXCHAR:: * APPENDFILE:: * BACKUP:: * BATCH:: * BATCHKILL:: * BATCHLOAD:: * BATCON:: * BATCOUNT:: * BOTHCASES:: * CHANGE_FILEDEFAULTS:: * CLOSEFILE:: * COLLAPSE:: * CONCAT:: * CURSORDISP:: * DIREC:: * DISP:: * DISPCON:: * DISPLAY:: * DISPLAY2D:: * DISPLAY_FORMAT_INTERNAL:: * DISPTERMS:: * DSKALL:: * ERROR_SIZE:: * ERROR_SYMS:: * EXPT:: * EXPTDISPFLAG:: * FASSAVE:: * FILEDEFAULTS:: * FILENAME:: * FILENAME_MERGE:: * FILENUM:: * FILE_SEARCH:: * FILE_STRING_PRINT:: * FILE_TYPE:: * GRIND:: * IBASE:: * INCHAR:: * LDISP:: * LDISPLAY:: * LINECHAR:: * LINEDISP:: * LINEL:: * LOAD:: * LOADFILE:: * LOADPRINT:: * NOSTRING:: * OBASE:: * OUTCHAR:: * PACKAGEFILE:: * PARSEWINDOW:: * PFEFORMAT:: * PRINT:: * READ:: * READONLY:: * REVEAL:: * RMXCHAR:: * SAVE:: * SAVEDEF:: * SHOW:: * SHOWRATVARS:: * STARDISP:: * STRING:: * STRINGOUT:: * TTYOFF:: * WRITEFILE:: Program Flow * Introduction to Program Flow:: * ITERATION:: * Definitions for Program Flow:: Introduction to Program Flow * ITERATION:: * BACKTRACE:: * {special operator}:: * ERRCATCH:: * ERREXP:: * ERROR:: * ERRORFUN:: * ERRORMSG:: * {special operator}:: * GO:: * {special operator}:: * LISPDEBUGMODE:: * MAP:: * MAPATOM:: * MAPERROR:: * MAPLIST:: * PREDERROR:: * RETURN:: * SCANMAP:: * THROW:: Plotting * Introduction to Plotting:: * PLOTTING-LISPM:: * Definitions for Plotting:: Floating Point * Definitions for Floating Point:: Numerical * Introduction to Numerical:: * DCADRE:: * ELLIPT:: * FOURIER:: * NDIFFQ:: * Definitions for Numerical:: Trigonometric * Introduction to Trigonometric:: * TRIG:: * TRIGONOMETRY:: * Definitions for Trigonometric:: Equations * Definitions for Equations:: Arrays and Tables * Definitions for Arrays and Tables:: Series * Introduction to Series:: * Definitions for Series:: Symmetries * Definitions for Symmetries:: Groups * Definitions for Groups:: Operators * Introduction to Operators:: * NARY:: * NOFIX:: * OPERATOR:: * POSTFIX:: * PREFIX:: * Definitions for Operators:: Constants * Definitions for Constants:: Special Functions * Introduction to Special Functions:: * GAMALG:: * SPECINT:: * Definitions for Special Functions:: Command Line * Introduction to Command Line:: * Definitions for Command Line:: Contexts * Definitions for Contexts:: Matrices and Linear Algebra * Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra:: * DOT:: * VECTORS:: * Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra:: Runtime Environment * Introduction to Runtime Environment:: * CONTROL:: * INIT:: * INTERRUPTS:: * Definitions for Runtime Environment:: Miscellaneous Options * Introduction to Miscellaneous Options:: * SETS:: * SHARE:: * Definitions for Miscellaneous Options:: Rules and Patterns * Introduction to Rules and Patterns:: * RULES:: * Definitions for Rules and Patterns:: Number Theory * Definitions for Number Theory:: Help * Introduction to Help:: * CMD:: * COMMAND:: * CPU:: * HELP:: * LISP-AND-MACSYMA:: * GARBAGE_COLLECTION:: * DOCUMENTATION:: * MAXIMA:: * Definitions for Help:: Differential Equations * Definitions for Differential Equations:: Statistics * Definitions for Statistics:: Limits * Definitions for Limits:: Logarithms * Definitions for Logarithms:: Debugging * Definitions for Debugging:: Affine * Definitions for Affine:: Tensor * Introduction to Tensor:: * ITENSR:: * TENSORS:: * Definitions for Tensor:: Ctensor * Introduction to Ctensor:: * CTENSR:: * Definitions for Ctensor:: None * Introduction to None:: * Definitions for None:: @end menu @c includes @include Lists.texi @include Differentiation.texi @include Integration.texi @include Polynomials.texi @include Simplification.texi @include Expressions.texi @include Function.texi @include Input.texi @include Program.texi @include Plotting.texi @c @include NonCommutative.texi @include Floating.texi @include Numerical.texi @include Trigonometric.texi @include Equations.texi @include Arrays.texi @include Series.texi @include Symmetries.texi @include Groups.texi @include Operators.texi @include Constants.texi @include Special.texi @include Command.texi @include Contexts.texi @include Matrices.texi @include Runtime.texi @include Miscellaneous.texi @include Rules.texi @include Number.texi @include Help.texi @include Differential.texi @c @include xrefs.texi @include Statistics.texi @include Limits.texi @include Logarithms.texi @include Debugging.texi @include Affine.texi @include Tensor.texi @include Ctensor.texi @include None.texi @c end includes @node Function and Variable Index @unnumbered Function Index @printindex fn @bye