for GTK+ 2.3.0

Table of Contents

I. GTK+ Overview
Compiling the GTK+ libraries - How to compile GTK+ itself
Compiling GTK+ Applications - How to compile your GTK+ application
Running GTK+ Applications - How to run and debug your GTK+ application
Using GTK+ on Windows - Windows-specific aspects of using GTK+
Using GTK+ on the Framebuffer - Linux framebuffer aspects of using GTK+
Using GTK+ on the X Window System - X11 aspects of using GTK+
Changes from 1.0 to 1.2 - Incompatible changes made between version 1.0 and version 1.2
Changes from 1.2 to 2.0 - Incompatible changes made between version 1.2 and version 2.0
Mailing lists and bug reports - Getting help with GTK+
Common Questions - Find answers to common questions in the GTK+ manual
II. GTK+ Core Reference
Main loop and Events - Library initialization, main event loop, and events
Accelerator Groups - Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire GtkWindow
Accelerator Maps - Loadable keyboard accelerator specifications
Clipboards - Storing data on clipboards
Drag and Drop - Functions for controlling drag and drop handling
Stock Items - Prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
Themeable Stock Images - Manipulating stock icons
Resource Files - Routines for handling resource files
Settings - Sharing settings between applications
Bindings - Key bindings for individual widgets
Standard Enumerations - Public enumerated types used throughout GTK+
Graphics Contexts - A shared pool of GdkGC objects
Styles - Functions for drawing widget parts
Selections - Functions for handling inter-process communication via selections
Version Information - Variables and functions to check the GTK+ version
Signals - Object methods and callbacks
Types - Handle run-time type creation
III. GTK+ Widgets and Objects
Object Hierarchy
Display Widgets
Buttons and Toggles
Numeric/Text Data Entry
Multiline Text Editor
Tree and List Widget
Menus, Combo Box, Toolbar
Selectors (File/Font/Color/Input Devices)
Layout Containers
Abstract Base Classes
Cross-process Embedding
Special-purpose features
IV. GTK+ Tools
gtk-query-immodules-2.0 - Input method module registration utility

List of Examples

1. Typical main function for a GTK+ application
2. Updating the GUI during a long computation.
3. A persistent window
1. Simple GtkDialog usage.
2. A modal dialog.
3. A non-modal dialog.
1. Creating a simple menu item with an accelerator key.
2. Handling button press events on a GtkImage.
1. How to create a group of two radio buttons.
2. Creating two GtkToggleButton widgets.
1. Using a GtkSpinButton to get an integer.
2. Using a GtkSpinButton to get a floating point value.
3. Forcing entry to uppercase.
1. Acquiring a GtkTreeIter
2. Reading data from a GtkTreeModel
3. Creating a simple list store.
1. Creating a GtkCombo widget with simple text items.
2. Creating a GtkCombo widget with a complex item.
3. Connecting the popup signal handler.
4. Signal handler which displays a popup menu.
5. How to create a group of radio menu items.
1. Getting a filename from the user.
2. Setting a filter to show only fixed-width fonts.
3. Setting a filter to show only true scalable fonts.
1. Simple GtkDrawingArea usage.
2. Adding tooltips to buttons.
1. Creating a paned widget with minimum sizes.
1. Obtaining the window ID of a socket.