""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " SAVE THE CURRENT STATE OF THE "saveregexp" OPTION local nosaveregexp """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " TAKE A GUESS AT THE BUFFER'S PREFERRED DISPLAY MODE if knownsyntax(filename) then set! bufdisplay=syntax if os=="unix" && buflines >= 1 then { 1s/^#! *[^ ]*\/\([^ ]\+\).*/set! bufdisplay="syntax \1"/x if bufdisplay<<11=="syntax perl" then set! bufdisplay="syntax perl" if bufdisplay<<12=="syntax tclsh" then set! bufdisplay="syntax tcl" } if !newfile then { if readeol=="binary" && bufdisplay=="normal" then set! bufdisplay=hex switch tolower(dirext(filename)) case .man set! bufdisplay=man case .tex set! bufdisplay=tex case .htm case .html case .shtml case .dhtml set! bufdisplay=html if buflines >= 1 && bufdisplay=="hex" then 1s/^<[HIThit!]/set! bufdisplay=html/x if (filename<<5=="http:" || filename<<4=="ftp:") && strlen(dirext(filename))<4 && bd=="hex" then set! bufdisplay=normal if bufdisplay=="normal" && buflines >= 1 then 1s/^From .*/set! bufdisplay="syntax email"/x if dirdir(filename)=="/tmp" || dirdir(filename)=="/var/tmp" then set! bufdisplay="syntax email" if strlen(dirext(filename))==2 && isnumber(filename>>1) && buflines>=1 then 1s/^\./set! bufdisplay=man/x } if bufdisplay=="html" && readonly then set locked """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Some messages if tolower(basename(program))!="elvis" && !ro && (bd=="html" || bd=="man" || bd="tex") then message To see the source, hit ^Wd if partiallastline && readeol!="binary" then warning Partial last line """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " EXECUTE MODELINES, IF "modeline" OPTION IS SET if modeline && buflines >= 1 && buflines <= modelines * 2 then %s/ex:\(.*\):/\1/x if modeline && buflines > modelines * 2 then { eval 1,(modelines)s/[ev][xi]:\\\(.*\\\):/\1/x eval (buflines - modelines + 1),(buflines)s/[ev][xi]:\\\(.*\\\):/\1/x }