XML-RPC for PHP: version 1.0b9 | ||
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The best examples are to be found in the sample files included with the distribution. Some are included here.
Code to get the corresponding state name from a number (1-50) from Dave Winer's server
$f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.getStateName', array(new xmlrpcval($HTTP_POST_VARS["stateno"], "int"))); $c=new xmlrpc_client("/RPC2", "betty.userland.com", 80); $r=$c->send($f); $v=$r->value(); if (!$r->faultCode()) { print "State number ". $HTTP_POST_VARS["stateno"] . " is " . $v->scalarval() . "<BR>"; print "<HR>I got this value back<BR><PRE>" . htmlentities($r->serialize()). "</PRE><HR>\n"; } else { print "Fault: "; print "Code: " . $r->faultCode() . " Reason '" .$r->faultString()."'<BR>"; }