
SWIG Examples

$Header: /cvs/projects/SWIG/Examples/index.html,v 2001/12/08 23:32:44 cheetah Exp $

Welcome to the browsable SWIG Examples directory. This directory contains a collection of examples that illustrate various SWIG features for a variety of target languages. First, it is important to cover a few preliminaries:

  • All of the examples depend on the file Examples/Makefile found within the SWIG distribution. This file is created by 'configure' and usually requires no modifications. However, if you have an usual installation of packages or experience compilation problems, you may need to make a few modifications.

  • The examples directory is a work in progress and will probably remain somewhat incomplete. At this time, the Examples directory is somewhat sparse since it is being rewritten and reoganized.

  • The SWIG user manual also contains a large variety of examples.


Follow one of these links to see some simple examples for a specific target language: If your target platform is Windows, make sure you also see the Windows page in the main manual.

Real Life

The GIFPlot directory contains examples that illustrate the use of SWIG with a moderately complex C library for creating GIF images. Many of these examples illustrate more advanced SWIG features.